Training with Weights for Beginners

If you want to see strength results that last and your objective is to get stronger the experts advise starting off simple by training your whole body three times a week. But if your objective is to put on muscle as quickly as possible, while you learn about perfect form then a split-routine is the answer.

The muscle adapts to resistance of any kind, the same as neurological adaptations when building a muscle. Strength and increase muscle size do not happen over-night as you start a new way of thinking about your muscles. Stressing the muscles to the point of absolute fatigue is the objective and demands concentration.

The beginners 4 day split routine listed below trains every muscle twice a week, unlike the strength training for beginners. To get the best proven results you should take a day break between the two workouts and then continue rotating from workout A to workout B.

The body needs time to repair when you train with weights. Your strength develops over time and the muscle or lean body mass you carry on your body will be in proportion to your strength. In the split-routine below you are training one body-part twice a week.

Research done on the subject of muscle hypertrophy and progressive resistance show that training a body-part twice a week gets the fastest return, the basic training split routine listed below should be trained with one days break between each workout.

When starting out weight training for the first time the most important thing you need to learn is form. The correct technique that you use to do any movement will dictate the success and safety of you doing this movement for the rest of your life, developing muscle so you need to get it right.

Workout A
Squats 3 X 8-10 reps with a 2 min rest between each set
Bench Press 3 X 8-10 reps with a 2 min rest between sets
Cable rowing 3 X 8-10 reps with a 2 min rest between sets

Workout B
Deadlifts 3 X 8-10 reps with a 2 min rest between sets
Lat Pull-Downs or Pull-ups 3 X 8-10 reps with a 2 min rest between sets
Overhead Shoulder Press 3 X 8-10 reps with a 2 min rest between sets

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