Can Bodyweight Exercises Build Muscle Mass?

I get a lot of push back about how bodyweight exercises cannot build muscle mass.  I actually agreed with this for some time.  Bodyweight exercises are not exactly the best thing you can do for building muscle mass.  If you want to build mass and get big, then heavy weights need to be involved for the most part.  However, people who are into bodyweight exercises want the opposite, they want lean defined muscle.   If we are being honest with ourselves, lean muscle actually helps increase longevity and will be easier to maintain as we age.  Gaining loads of muscle mass will eventually fade, take a look at Arnold now.  But there is a way to build muscle mass with bodyweight exercises.  The method to do so is called Escalating Density Training.  Lets get into how bodyweight exercises can build mass.

Bodyweight Exercises Can And Do Build Muscle Mass

Like I said at the beginning, I use to be in the camp that bodyweight exercises were very ineffective at building muscle mass.  I knew they would increase strength, and develop lean muscle.  But adding some bulk, not so much.  I actually thought this way up until about a year ago.  My focus has never been on getting big, rather lean and toned.  But as I do, I wanted to test new waters and keep my workouts fresh.  If you read this blog on a regular basis you know I am major advocate to periodization training and have time efficient workouts.  With those two focuses in mind, Escalating Density Training Fits the bill.

So What Is Escalating Density Training?

Escalating Density Training is a powerful technique to get a challenging workout in within 15 minutes or less.  One disadvantage to bodyweight exercises is that you get stronger quickly when doing them and have to always increase the rep count, tempo, or do a variety of variations.  Escalating Density training flips that on its head.  One example workout using it is to do 3 push ups, rest 10 seconds, then repeat this for 15 minutes straight.   This is harder than it may sound, give it a try you will notice how effective it is.  I am doing 6 reps now and I am sore the next day every time.  I also have seen my chest gain muscle mass.  Needless to say, my old way of thinking that bodyweight exercises would not build muscle mass is gone.

Convinced Yet That Bodyweight Exercises Can Build Muscle Mass?

You shouldn't be convinced yet that bodyweight exercises can build muscle mass based of what I have written.  You need to try it out for yourself.  Just doing that push up routine should at the very least have you realize how effective it is.  You can also use the same method for the push up routine for pull ups and get a complete back and chest workout done in under 40 minutes and feel it the next day.

For the best muscle mass workouts using only bodyweight exercises, I recommend you check out

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