Anabolic Steroids Facts and Myths

The myths about steroids seem to continue despite the abundance of evidence available. Studies show steroid abuse at high school level in the USA peaked after 2013 for some reason, but seems to be slowing down. Hopefully articles like this one will help to spread the news.

There are countless myths and facts on steroids, too many to mention here so we have just selected 5 points that you should seriously consider before taking steroids. ALL steroids are illegal and they will do a lot more damage than your health, self-esteem and psychological well-being.

Myth #1: Steroids are safe.

The side effects from taking anabolic steroids are significant and will more likely be more serious for a younger the person. Countless studies show that taking steroids develops an increased risk of liver cancers, heart disease, hepatitis, elevated blood sugar, cholesterol elevation, fluid retention, epileptic fits as well as increased risk of getting a stroke. They also show early fusion of bone growth (stops growth) in teenagers, androgenization (loss of female sexual characteristics) in females and the growth of breasts (gynaecomastia) in males.

Myth #2: All steroids are the same.

Anabolic/androgenic steroids have an anabolic component that deals with the muscle and skeletal growth. The androgenic component will deal with the secondary male sex traits like sex drive, hair growth and sperm health. The problem is that most anabolic/androgenic steroids are also able to convert to a third component called the estrogenic component that regulates numerous different functions in both females and males. Anabolic steroids differ from other steroids like corticosteroids used to treat inflammation.

Myth #4: Steroid abuse is not a big problem in the U.S.A.

Whether it be the sportsmen and women taking steroids to perform better or "experts" saying they are safe, steroid abuse is still growing in the USA. There is simply no such thing as a safe steroid no matter what you might read online. A study done on steroids at Penn State showed 7% of males and 5% of females amongst 9th to 12th graders reported taking steroids at least once. The American Heart Association (AHA) estimates that half of all Division I college football players use steroids.

Myth #5: Steroids are not addictive.

Research on how addictive steroids are show that when people who take steroids stop, many withdrawal symptoms are seen. They range from serious mood swings, fatigue, restlessness, reduced sex drive and insomnia plus an increased desire to take more of the same steroids. Suicide has also shown to be a factor from steroid abuse because of the sudden loss of muscle size and physical strength, including the powerful psychological sense of lost power when steroids are stopped can often cause mild or severe depression. If this depression is untreated studies show the depression will last up to one year after quitting.

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