Bulking Workout Routine

If you want to add 10 pounds of muscle in 30 days' it can be done but you need a plan. The plan will be useless if you don't stick to a good eating plan which gives you all the extra calories you are going to need plus the extra protein you'll need to get the results you seek.

The 4-week bulking cycle starts with 2 weeks of heavy weight training using low reps of 6 to 8 followed by 2 weeks of high intensity training doing more sets and higher volume of 3 or 4 sets doing 10 to 12 reps on each set. Training should be done 4 times a week ideally resting for a day after 2 days of consecutive training.

The bulking routine listed below is going to assume that you are eating correctly and that you are also going to be resting correctly. Without these two aspects of your schedule being adhered to the result will only be catabolic which means overtraining and the loss of muscle.

As you will see the sets and reps listed below are for the first 2 weeks. After doing two weeks of heavy movements you need to deliberately lighten the weight lifted by doing more reps on the last two weeks. The movements would be the same but you would be doing 3 or 4 sets of 10 to 12 reps.

Day 1 of 4-day split routine (Chest and triceps)
3 X 6-8 reps Barbell bench-press excluding warm-up
4 X 6-8 reps Flat D/B press
4 X 68 reps Weighted dips

Day 2 of 4-day split routine (Legs, Calves and Abs)
3 X 6-8 reps Smith machine squats excluding warm-up
4 X 6-8 reps Leg press
4 X 6-8 reps Back hack squats
4 X 6-8 reps Romanian deadlifts excluding warm-ups
3 X 20 reps Standing calf raises
2 X 20 reps Hanging leg raises
2 X 20 reps Cable crunches

Day 3 of 4-day split routine (Shoulders and traps)
3 X 6-8 reps Overhead D/B press
4 X 6-8 reps Arnold press
4 X 6-8 reps Barbell upright rowing
4 X 6-8 reps bent-over lateral raises
3 X 6-8 reps D/B shrugs

Day 4 of 4-day split routine (Back, Biceps and Abs
3 X 6-8 reps Barbell deadlifts excluding warm-ups
4 X 6-8 reps Bent-over rowing
4 X 6-8 reps T-bar rowing
4 X 6-8 reps Barbell biceps curls excluding warm-ups
4 X 6-8 reps Incline D/B curls
3 X 6-8 reps barbell preacher curls
2 X 20 reps Crunches
2 X 20 reps Reverse crunches

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